horizontal directional drilling in Union County, NC

How Underground Drilling Approaches Directional Drilling

Utility workers.

Pilot Hole Drilling

The first step in the drilling process is creating a pilot hole. Using a specialized drilling rig, a small-diameter pilot hole is drilled along the predetermined path. Advanced tracking and steering technologies guide the drill bit, allowing for precise navigation around obstacles and maintaining the desired trajectory.

Site of roadway under concrete bridge construction with heavy equipment on dirty ground

Pipe Installation

With the hole reamed to the appropriate size, the final step is installing the utility pipe. The pipe is attached to the reamer and pulled back through the drilled hole. This process, known as pipe pulling, ensures that the utility is installed seamlessly underground without disturbing the surface.

Planning construction project.

Planning and Design

Every successful directional drilling project begins with thorough planning and design. Our team of experts assesses the project site, soil conditions, and utility pathways to develop a detailed drilling plan. This plan ensures that the drilling process is accurate, efficient, and aligns with the project’s goals and regulatory requirements.

Drilling holes.


Once the pilot hole is completed, it needs to be enlarged to accommodate the utility installation. This process is known as reaming. A reamer, which is a larger cutting tool, is pulled back through the pilot hole, gradually widening it to the required diameter. This step may be repeated multiple times, depending on the size of the utility being installed.

Underground Drilling is Committed To Excellence

At Underground Drilling, LLC, we are dedicated to providing top-quality directional drilling services throughout the Midwest and Southeast regions. Our experienced team uses cutting-edge technology and follows strict safety protocols to ensure the success of every project. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and deliver customized solutions that meet their specific requirements.

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Contact us now to benefit from our advanced drilling solutions and expertise for your construction needs.

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